If your child is sick
Illness -If your child is not feeling well while at school, we will call you to come and pick them up immediately. This is of the utmost importance so as not to spread germs.
If your child is not well in the morning, we ask that you do not send him/her to school. Sending a sick child to school puts other students at risk. If your child is too sick to go outside for recess, he/she should be kept home until he/she is able to participate fully at school.
Please ensure that the school has your current emergency contact information, and inform the office if your home, work or cell numbers change.
The Importance of Frequent Hand Washing
We encourage students to wash their hands frequently throughout the day and:
After coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose;
Before eating;
After shaking hands;
After touching someone sick;
After using the bathroom; and
Before touching their face.